Medical Flat Panel Detector
Date:2023-02-08 02:06:56 Click:

Medical Flat Panel Detector Wireless & Wired


Wireless Flat Panel Detector

4343WA / 3543WA

4343WA/3543WA are best in class 17x17-inch/14x17-inch wireless, cassette-sized flat panel detector for radiographic imaging. It features a 139μm pixel pitch with direct deposition Csl. Cutting-edge technologies include a novel light-weight housing desgin with IP56 ingress protection, in-tray battery charging, and reliable, low power automatic exposure detection (AED). With its exceptional image quality the 4343WA is an excellect choice for high-end DR ststems.

. Wireless cassette detector fits in bucky

. Full AED cotrol, exposure at any time

. Best-in-class 139μm pixel pitch with 16-bit ADC for more image details

. Large capacity battery design, with 8 hours battery life

. Lightweight design with IP56 ingress protection

. Supports a fast workflow for a better user experience

. Direct deposition CsI, with excellent DQE at all frequencies

Wired Flat Panel Detector

4343SA / 3543SA

4343SA/3543SA are 17x17-in1675796283671252.pngch/14x17-inch, wired cassette-sized FPD for radiographic imaging. 

It features a 139μm pixel pitch with direct deposition CsI, and with a reliable AED enables a smart 

workflow. It is the optimal choice for a high-end DR system.

. Cassette detector fits in bucky

. 139μm pixel pitch with 16 bit ADC for more image details

. Direct deposition CsI for better image quality with lower dose

. Stable iSync+ Automatic Exposure Detection (AED)

. Highly reliable, flexible rether

. Supports a fast and efficient workflow

Technical Specifications




Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) Sensor

An amorphous silicon (a-Si) image sensor for X-ray imaging consists of a two-dimensional pixelated structure. Each pixel contains a switching thin-film transistor(TFT) and a light sensitive photodiode. Both these elements are fabricated with a-Si through a photolithography process onto a large area glass substrate.

CsI Scintillator

Many Nice imaging detectors use cesium iodide doped with thallium (CsI: TI) as a scintillator. The CsI: TI is evaporated directly onto the sensor array, and is therefore in direct contact with the light sensing pixel elements, The needle like structure of directly deposited CsI acts as light fibers, hereby preventing lateral spread of light, and improving the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF).

Full Field Automatic Exposure Detection (AED)

Full field Automatic Exposure Detection (AED) uses the active area of the image sensor to detect X-rays. It will trigger the detector for image acquisition without having to electrically interface it with the X-ray generator. The Nice imaging AED has immunity against interference sources to avoid false triggers, while the full field detection ensures high sensitivity without missed trigger events.

On-board Image Correction

Niceimage detectors are equipped with on-board image correction technology which include defective pixel and image uniformity corrections, and results in optimal image quality.

High Speed and Stable WIFI

Niceimge uses state-of-art wireless technology supporting high throughput communication, and optimized connectivity between the detector and any acquisition workstation or mobile device. WiFi communication is supported on 5GHz bands. This enables truly protable detectors with ease of sharing between X-ray rooms.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Niceimage detectors can be supported by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This can eliminate the need for power down during a battery exchange, or the risk of interrupting an X-ray exam in case of a power loss.


Next:4343SA Wired FPD


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